== Vula ==
automatic local network encryption


There are a wide variety of tools which can be used to create end-to-end encrypted tunnels between hosts, or which share other superficial similarities with Vula. To our knowledge, however, none of them achieve Vula’s design goal of providing fully-automatic end-to-end encryption of local area network traffic.

The following is a list of unique properties which Vula provides:

  • No infrastructure required
  • Fully automatic: LAN traffic between hosts with Vula installed is protected without any configuration whatsoever
  • Works on offline networks (eg, with RFC 3927 link-local addressing on ethernet, ad-hoc wifi, thunderbolt, etc)
  • Protects traffic using existing IP addresses (whether DHCP-assigned, link-local, or manually configured), so applications do not need to be reconfigured
  • Transitional post-quantum protection

Projects such as Tailscale, Headscale, and innernet are similar to Vula in that they can be used to encrypt traffic between hosts on a LAN using WireGuard tunnels, but they differ in some important respects:

  • They only create tunnels between hosts that are logged in to the same account on a centralized coordination server.
    • Tailscale outsources the operation of this component to Amazon, a surveillance actor
    • Headscale and innernet provide free software implementations which can be self-hosted, but remain a single point of failure
  • They use a different IP range inside and outside of the tunnels, so LAN-based applications need to be reconfigured to benefit from it.
  • They do not provide any post-quantum protection

With the exception of TCPcrypt and IPsec OE, the other projects listed here are all designed to protect traffic between hosts which are configured to be part of a single organization, whereas Vula provides automatic encryption of traffic between all locally-reachable hosts that are running the software.

TCPcrypt is an outlier, in that it does provide opportunistic encryption between hosts without any configuration; however, it only protects TCP traffic, does not provide secure names, and its key verification system requires application-specific support. These and other deployment impediments have prevented its adoption.

IPsec OE also is designed to provide opportunistic encryption, but has numerous shortcomings and has failed to gain adoption.

zero configuration encrypts works offline required infrastructure post-quantum protects traffic using existing IPs secure hostnames free software encrypted transport
Tailscale all traffic to specific IP addresses coordination server (Amazon-hosted) ✔️ client ✔️ , server❌ WireGuard
Headscale all traffic to specific IP addresses coordination server (self-hosted) ✔️ ✔️ WireGuard
innernet all traffic to specific IP addresses coordination server ✔️ ✔️ WireGuard
Nebula all traffic to specific IP addresses certificate authority ✔️ ✔️ custom protocol
MACsec Ethernet traffic between host and switch (not e2ee) ✔️ RADIUS server ✔️ host ✔️ , switch❌ MACsec
TCPcrypt ✔️ TCP traffic between any participating hosts ✔️ none ✔️ ✔️ TCPCrypt
IPsec OE all WAN and LAN traffic between participating hosts ✔️ DNS+DNSSEC for authentication with static records and/or third party CA not by default ✔️ IPSec’s peer-wise common cipher-suite
PQWireGuard all WAN and LAN traffic between participating hosts ✔️ manual key exchange out of band ✔️ not by default ✔️ PQWireGuard
Vula ✔️ all traffic between participating hosts on the same LAN ✔️ none transitional (passive) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ WireGuard

Additional projects to analyze?

Please feel free to send us a request to analyze your favorite software and we will add it to the above table.